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In this project you’ll be using the knowledge from the three previous MAUI projects to create a Warehouse Management System, a common business case in enterprise applications, where it’s critical to maintain accurate data about logistical operations. We will aim to give the user interface a clean “corporate” look and generate various types of reports using a complex data system.

This is an app that will manage warehouse data about a multi-store retail business of your choice.
Your data schema will contain the following tables: Products, Stores, Employees, WarehouseSlot, Items, ItemMovements.
Users need to know where a product is at any given time.
Products can be in transit from store to warehouse and vice-versa.
Every time a product is in movement, a new record needs to be added in the "ItemMovement" table. Every itemMovement needs to have two employess associated with it. One in the shipping end and one in the receiving end.
An Item is an instance of a product. Products are unique, but there can be multiple items of the same product.
A warehouse slot needs to contain at least an "Isle" and a "Slot Number" columns.
Users should be able to see a history of item movements.

Layer the creation of your project: Start with showing a list products showing how many items are available in the inventory.
Then add the stores and show how many items are available per store. Start with only two stores to keep things simple.
Then add the item movements and so on.
This is a project that require some level of planning, especially in regards to data schema, but don't overdo it, you'll only understand some of the requirements as you start coding

Add authentication and authorization so that only logged in users are able to use the app
Add role-base authentication, with super users that are able to add products, stores, items and employees.
Create a detail page for each entity (i.e. click on an employee will show all its details and history of item movements
Expand the data schema with Customers and Orders table where you'll track sales(Warning: this adds tremendous complexity)
Feeling adventurous? Implement your app in a mobile device and use a barcode scanner to make handling of items faster.