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Software developers frequently build systems that rely on third-party data. A common method for accessing this data is by making requests to external vendors' APIs (Application Programming Interfaces). Once the data is retrieved, it can be processed and integrated into the application to meet specific requirements. Another typical scenario involves organizations with multiple independent applications that need to communicate with each other, often using a technique known as microservices.
In this application we will learn how to connect to an external API through HTTP requests using .NET’s class library. It‘s easier than you imagine! Luckily there are many public APIs out there. Here’s a great list of public APIs for practice.

You were hired by restaurant to create a solution for their drinks menu.
Their drinks menu is provided by an external company. All the data about the drinks is in the companies database, accessible through an API.
Your job is to create a system that allows the restaurant employee to pull data from any drink in the database.
You don't need SQL here, as you won't be operating the database. All you need is to create an user-friendly way to present the data to the users (the restaurant employees)
When the users open the application, they should be presented with the Drinks Category Menu and invited to choose a category. Then they'll have the chance to choose a drink and see information about it.
When the users visualise the drink detail, there shouldn't be any properties with empty values
Don't panic! We'll help! 😁

Here are the links for using HTTP calls with C# and to the Drinks API documentation:

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